Direct Deposit
Why should I select electronic delivery?
Receiving material from electronically is fast, and more convenient for many. It also aligns with ’s green initiatives and core values to reduce paper and lower printing, processing, and postage expense. If you like having news on the go, you can get delivery to your email on your preferred mobile device and read anytime.
Is really secure?
Yes. All communications and information processed using this portal are encrypted using industry standard encryption. You can validate this by observing the Lock icon on your browser navigation bar.
Your login through electronically validates your identity according to industry standards, using several identifiers. Confirmation messages are sent to your e-mail account for any changes made to your information using .
Why does my password have to be so long?
Security of your information is important to us so enforces use of strong passwords.
Passwords must be:
- Eight (8) characters long
- Contain at least one number
- Contain at least one upper case character
- Contain at least one lower case character
Why did I automatically get taken to the login page?
To protect the confidentiality of your information the site forces re-login after 15 minutes of inactivity.
I’m not a shareholder. Why should I register?
Non-shareholder custodians of shareholders can register and manage the shareholder information of their wards.
Other non-shareholder interested parties may register for electronic delivery of public news, press releases, event notices, and other information.
My password is not working
Here some things you can do to resolve issues getting logged in:
- Did you respond to the registration e-mail that was sent to you?
- Are you using the e-mail address you registered with?
- Click here to reset your password
- If you did not receive the registration confirmation e-mail, Click here to have it resent.
Tax Questions
Why is the 1099-DIV form different than the IRS published form?
wants to make it easy for shareholders to reprint past 1099 forms they've received from , but the re-print is not the same as the original tax document you receive. The 1099-DIV form used by is fully compliant with IRS Publication 1179 which specifies formatting and information requirements for a substitute 1099-DIV. The substitute form produces can be printed and submitted or filed with your IRS tax forms.
My password is not working
Here some things you can do to resolve issues getting logged in:
- Did you respond to the registration e-mail that was sent to you?
- Are you using the e-mail address you registered with?
- Click here to reset your password
- If you did not receive the registration confirmation e-mail, Click here to have it resent.
Who can gift shares?
Public Law 100-241, 1987 Amendments to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) allows shareholders over the age of 18, who own stock in a corporation formed under the ANCSA to transfer shares of their class A and/or B common stock as an inter vivos (i.e. voluntary) gift to his or her child, grandchild, great-grandchild, niece, nephew, brother, or sister.
By law, the recipient of these shares must be Alaska Native and related to the shareholder by blood or adoption, provided the adoption occurred before the child reached 18 years of age. There is no minimum blood quantum requirement for gifting recipients, though they must provide proof of their Alaska Native blood quantum.
Those ineligible to receive ANCSA shares via gifting include parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, stepchildren, step-grandchildren, friends, spouses, and non-Alaska Natives.
The shares must be a true gift and cannot be bought, sold, or exchanged for anything of value. Once all the gifting and enrollment paperwork is completed and the shares transferred, the gifting transaction is irreversible. The gifting shareholder loses all rights to the shares gifted and any future dividends or distributions associated with the transferred shares will now belong to the person who received the shares.
Shareholders whose stock is currently subject to an attachment pursuant to a court order, such as child support or a tax levy, are ineligible to gift their shares until that order has been satisfied.
1) Birth Certificates: Please see the chart below to determine which birth certificates will be needed to verify eligibility.
By law, the recipient of these shares must be Alaska Native and related to the shareholder by blood or adoption, provided the adoption occurred before the child reached 18 years of age. There is no minimum blood quantum requirement for gifting recipients, though they must provide proof of their Alaska Native blood quantum.
2) Proof of Alaska Native Blood Quantum:
a. Copy of Alaska Native tribal identification card
b. Copy of Bureau of Indian Affairs’ Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB)
3) Proof of Name Change—provide if the name on the birth certificate differs from the name on the gifting affidavit.
a. Marriage certificate
b. Court order
c. Adoption decree