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Scholarship Portal Outage
Our Scholarship Portal on Award Spring experienced a server outage Jan 6-17, the portal is now up and running. Please check on your scholarship application if you submitted during this time period.
Scholarship Portal Outage
Our Scholarship Portal on Award Spring experienced a server outage Jan 6-17, the portal is now up and running. Please check on your scholarship application if you submitted during this time period.


Internship Application Deadline Upcoming - Apply Today!



The Goldbelt Summer Internship Program is currently accepting applications for summer 2019. Internships are available in Juneau, Alaska, and a variety of lower-48 locations. This opportunity is available to shareholders or descendants who are currently enrolled in an educational program or who have graduated within the past six months. 

This program provides students with the unique opportunity to receive hands-on experience in a professional work environment, receive on-the-job training, one-on-one mentorship, and workshops on professional development, resume building, and Alaska Native issues. In addition to this valuable workplace experience, they will gain priceless exposure to Alaska Native culture.

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”My experience with Goldbelt’s internship program benefitted me greatly in several ways,” said Michaela Goade, an artist and illustrator and former Goldbelt intern. “Perhaps most importantly my two summers as a Goldbelt intern broadened my understanding of our culture - I gained first-hand insight into the history and inner workings of Alaska Native corporations. As I grow into my career as an artist/illustrator, I’m continuously aiming to deepen my understanding of our people so that I can better represent my tribe, and my experience as a Goldbelt intern helped lay that foundation.” 

Former Goldbelt interns have taken many paths: futher education, successful careers in Alaska and beyond, and even returning to Goldbelt later in their professional lives. Goldbelt internships prepare our youth for a brilliant future, no matter where it may lead them.

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