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Scholarship Portal Outage
Our Scholarship Portal on Award Spring experienced a server outage Jan 6-17, the portal is now up and running. Please check on your scholarship application if you submitted during this time period.
Scholarship Portal Outage
Our Scholarship Portal on Award Spring experienced a server outage Jan 6-17, the portal is now up and running. Please check on your scholarship application if you submitted during this time period.


Candidate Nominations Now Open!


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Goldbelt has open elections and any qualified shareholder who is over the age of 18 and owns voting shares can run for the Board on the Corporate Proxy. 

This year, Goldbelt has shifted the nomination process to an online nomination form that will streamline the nominations process and allow for easier nominations. However, shareholders may still submit nominations in person at the corporate office or upcoming Shareholder Opportunity Meetings, or by phone or email at (907) 790-4990 or 

Questions and Answers

How do I nominate?

Nominations can be made through the online nomination form found here. Goldbelt would like to encourage shareholders to utilize the online nomination form to help save the corporation on postage costs as well as streamline the nominations process. 

However, shareholders may still submit nominations in person at the corporate office or upcoming Shareholder Opportunity Meetings, or by calling Shareholder Services at (907) 790-4990, or by emailing 

When can I nominate, and who is eligible? 

The nomination period for candidacy is February 24 to March 15. Any shareholder over the age of 18 who holds at least one voting share may nominate themselves or another shareholder, who also must hold at least one voting share and be over the age of 18. 

Does nominating a shareholder mean they will automatically become a candidate or director?

No, nominating a shareholder is only the first step in the process. Nominees must submit a Director Candidate Packet to be considered for inclusion on Goldbelt's proxy materials.

What happens after a nomination is made?

Once a shareholder is nominated, they will receive a Director Candidate Packet to complete and deliver to the Inspector of Elections by the candidate materials deadline of Friday, March 20 at 5:00 PM.  Candidate materials will be reviewed by Goldbelt's Elections & Rules Committee following the candidate material deadline to ensure completeness and eligibility based on Banking & Securities regulations and Goldbelt Election Rules. Candidates will then be required to complete a background check. Once the background check is complete and the candidate materials have been accepted and verified, candidates will receive an email from Goldbelt notifying them that they are an official candidate. 

Are nominations anonymous?

Yes, nominations are anonymous and will be kept confidential by Shareholder Services staff.

What are the key dates of this year's election?

- February 24: Nominations Open
- March 15: Nominations Close
- May 12: Record Date
- May
22: Target Date for Election Materials Mailout 
- July 9: Proxy Voting Deadline
July 11: 46th Annual Meeting of Shareholders at the Centennial Hall Convention Center

I have a question about this process - who should I speak with?

Contact the Corporate Registrar, Tesla Cox, at (907) 790-1442 or with questions about nominations or the election process. 

Click Here to Nominate Today!