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Scholarship Portal Outage
Our Scholarship Portal on Award Spring experienced a server outage Jan 6-17, the portal is now up and running. Please check on your scholarship application if you submitted during this time period.
Scholarship Portal Outage
Our Scholarship Portal on Award Spring experienced a server outage Jan 6-17, the portal is now up and running. Please check on your scholarship application if you submitted during this time period.


Second and Final Round of Federal CARES Act Tribal Relief Funds to Goldbelt Shareholders Announced

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Goldbelt is pleased to offer a second and final round of Federal CARES Act Tribal Relief Funds to Goldbelt shareholders impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Shareholders can apply for up to $800 per shareholder. The application will open on Friday, October 22, 2021. 

This application cycle provides an opportunity for shareholders to get reimbursed for specific purchases or losses that were not accounted for in the initial Goldbelt Federal CARES Act application or other tribal relief programs.

Goldbelt successfully distributed $8 million to shareholders in the initial round which concluded on September 30. This second round was specifically designed by the Board of Directors to get the remaining funds directly to shareholders before the federal deadline of December 31, 2021.

The application will close at 5:00 p.m. on December 3, 2021. All mailed applications must be post-marked by November 29, 2021. 

Are you interested in helping Goldbelt shareholders get their relief funding? Goldbelt is hiring for CARES Act Coordinators. If you are interested in joining the CARES Team, click here!

For more information visit the Federal CARES Act Information Page on MyGoldbelt, call Shareholder Services at 907-790-4990, or email