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Scholarship Portal Outage
Our Scholarship Portal on Award Spring experienced a server outage Jan 6-17, the portal is now up and running. Please check on your scholarship application if you submitted during this time period.
Scholarship Portal Outage
Our Scholarship Portal on Award Spring experienced a server outage Jan 6-17, the portal is now up and running. Please check on your scholarship application if you submitted during this time period.


Gunalchéesh to all the Shareholders to Tuned in to the CEO LIvestream Today!

Thank you to all the Shareholders who watched and participated in the Spring CEO Livestream today on MyGoldbelt. 
If you missed the event, please see the summary below: 
You can watch the full recording on MyGoldbelt under the Livestream Meeting Recordings tab
CEO Livestream Summary:
Goldbelt President & CEO McHugh Pierre hosted a livestream to inform shareholders of the following:
  • Celebrating Goldbelt's 50th year,
  • A brief overview of shareholder benefits,
  • Goldbelt's Strategic Plan forward,
  • Revenue projections for 2024,
  • Dividend Projections,
  • Important dates for the upcoming board election,
  • Discussed the request for proposals, 
  • Announced door prize winners for the livestream 
  • Q&A session with shareholders
CEO Livestream Door Prize Winners:
Congratulations to our five $100 door prize winners:
  1. Donna R. Peterson,
  2. Rebecca B. Evenson,
  3. Heather N. Westika,
  4. Mona Lou Brown, 
  5. Mable A. Lee.
*Door prizes are selected at random by the MyGoldbelt shareholder portal.